Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Flowers or Towers On North Williamsburg Waterfront?

Hundreds of Brooklynites flooded City Hall recently to protest the city's slow action on buying land for Bushwick Inlet Park on the waterfront in North Williamsburg. In 2005, seeking to increase development in the area, Michael Bloomberg's administration approved plans to create a 28-acre park along the waterfront. But even though city officials designed, planned, and even built part of the park, (the first completed phase of the park sits at just over 9 acres) they never actually bought up the additional land needed to finish the job. While $19 Million was allocated in 2006 to buy the missing portion, the site's owner, realizing its New Brooklyn value told the New York Times he would now sell the lot for more like $120 million. When asked, the parks department confirmed there is still no funding allocated to buy a major portion of the land and "no schedule" for its acquisition. Full Article

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