Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Canarsie L Train - Delays and Plans...

It looks like the MTA have scheduled the L Train repair to begin in the 1st Quarter of 2019. The good news is the preliminary plans include an elevator, larger mezzanine and more access stairs for the Bedford L station. These are much needed modifications with the increasing population in WB. See attached for a .pdf of the relevant pages from the recent Oversight Committee Meeting report. It shows the plans for the 1st Avenue and Bedford L modifications, timeline and next steps. The Canarsie section starts on page 29. 

Capital Program Oversight Committee Meeting - April 2016

While it may seem like the L Train is out for lunch, there have been many discussions about how Williamsburg businesses contribute to the tax base. With so many retailers, restaurants, developers and residents looking for relief during this time of repair, the word on the street is the MTA will provide other alternative to handle the traffic from Manhattan to WB. Only time will tell. Fingers crossed. See below for more details at Free Williamsburg...

Free Williamsburg - The MTA plans to Wait...